Advent Devotional 12.17.21




Friday, December 17, 2021



Welcoming Change

King Herod was deeply disturbed when he heard this, as was everyone in Jerusalem. He called a meeting of the leading priests and teachers of religious law and asked, ‘Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?’  ‘In Bethlehem in Judea’ they said.

Matthew 2:3-5a


What if someone told you, ‘I saw on the news that your company just hired someone for a job with your title?’ If there is normally only one of this title, wouldn’t you be disturbed, and try to find out if this were true? Maybe you would even try to take steps to protect your job.

This is what King Herod learned from the wise men. In his view, there was no separation between church and state – no possibility a spiritual and secular king could be different people. And a King was usually only deposed by his death. Of course he was “deeply disturbed.” A change was coming, and he had no way of knowing how that change would affect him – only that his life would be changed forever.

Today, we celebrate this season of Advent without dread; to express our hope, give us joy, and renew our faith, and revel in the peace of our newborn King, Jesus Christ.



Heavenly Father, we know that change is a part of life, not to be feared, but to be welcomed. Help us to see the coming of Your Son as the living gift He is meant to be!


 Woody Windischman