Advent Devotional 12.6.21



Monday, December 6, 2021




‘I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to accept whatever He wants.  May everything you have said come true!’ 

Luke 1:38a


On one hand, what an extraordinary privilege to be the Earthly Mother to carry, birth, and raise the Messiah.  On the other hand, all of this brought incredible pressure.  It was a difficult role with challenges, hardships and possible ridicule for an unmarried young mother and also unsure of how Joseph would react.

We, like Mary encounter daily challenges, things that sometimes seem too hard to accomplish or deal with, but with God, we know that all things are possible to him who believes.  When we trust and believe God’s promise, remarkable things can happen.

Mary’s faithfulness is an example for us, as we serve God following His plan for our lives.  We can allow ourselves to be used by God in whatever way(s) he chooses.  We recognize that we are in His hands and through our faith, all things are possible through Him.



Loving God, we give thanks for this time of Advent as we prepare for this joyful holiday celebrating the birth of our Savior and His love for us. Help us remember Mary’s faithfulness and obedience to you. Give us the strength to be more like Mary in our daily lives.


 Jean Parker