An Attitude of Gratitude

Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth!

Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the LORD is God!

He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100


I have reached an age where I seem to be attending funerals and retirement celebrations with a good deal of frequency. When pondering retirement, most people look forward to this. We are eager to get to that phase of our lives. With reference to joining the Church Triumphant, I confess that I’m not as eager. My earthly bucket list is still lengthy.

All too often we are prone to comparing ourselves with others. I think this is particularly true when it comes to retirement. I know people who seem to be perpetually on vacation and enjoying the finer things in life. I know others who learn that the Golden Years aren’t exactly golden. Their health issues keep them tethered and their calendar is filled with physician appointments, lab draws and various therapies. 

Earlier this year I learned about the therapeutic effects of gratitude. As I have acknowledged the gifts and people God has placed in my life, I became even more aware of God’s presence in my life. Even as I seem to be saying goodbye in one fashion or another, I am celebrating friendships and relationships. 

Even with its challenges, life is good. God is good. All the time. 


Prayer: Loving God, thank you for adding life to our years. Open the doors of opportunity to spread your message to a hurting world. Amen

Nathan Martens