P.D.F. (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
You're invited to join this group (on the second Wednesday of each month) for dinner, fellowship and prayer for each other.
PDF (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
This group meets monthly in homes to enjoy a meal & fellowship. After dinner, each guest shares their highs and lows from the previous month. After everyone has finished, the…
Taming the Dragon; Living Well with Inevitable Conflict
Most of us are unaware of our natural habits for dealing with conflict. Many of us simply do our best to run away from it. On Saturday November 12th Pastor Mike…
Adult Book Study
First Presbyterian Church, Room 12"The Seventeen Traditions; Lessons from an American Childhood" by Ralph Nader This adult book study will be led by Nathan Martens following Sunday morning worship services. Don't let the author's…
Anticipating Christmas
Anticipating Christmas is going out of our church and into our city! We are preparing kits & a video presentation for another virtual event designed to: • prepare hearts and…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
Adult Book Study
First Presbyterian Church, Room 12"The Seventeen Traditions; Lessons from an American Childhood" by Ralph Nader This adult book study will be led by Nathan Martens following Sunday morning worship services. Don't let the author's…
Anticipating Christmas
Anticipating Christmas is going out of our church and into our city! We are preparing kits & a video presentation for another virtual event designed to: • prepare hearts and…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
Adult Book Study
First Presbyterian Church, Room 12"The Seventeen Traditions; Lessons from an American Childhood" by Ralph Nader This adult book study will be led by Nathan Martens following Sunday morning worship services. Don't let the author's…