Sew ‘n Sews
Sew-N-Sews meet to create items for various mission interests. Current projects include: baby quilts and capes for area agencies and health centers; walker tote bags for church members, area care…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
Palm Sunday & “Goodbye Pastor Wicks”
Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. During this week, we remember how, out of his great love for us, Christ gave his life to redeem us. Palm Sunday begins with the…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
Maundy Thursday Service
On Maundy Thursday, we pause and remember the events of the last night Christ spent with his disciples: the Last Supper. Retreating to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, where…
Good Friday
Church SanctuaryGood Friday Community Service
Easter Sunday & Welcome Rev. Small!
Church SanctuaryYou are invited to join us for Easter service as we celebrate the Risen Lord. Celebrate the new life Christ offers! We welcome our new pastor, the Reverend Lorenzo Small,…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
PDF (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
This group meets monthly in homes to enjoy a meal & fellowship. After dinner, each guest shares their highs and lows from the previous month. After everyone has finished, the…
Sew ‘n Sews
Sew-N-Sews meet to create items for various mission interests. Current projects include: baby quilts and capes for area agencies and health centers; walker tote bags for church members, area care…