Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
Lydia Circle
Youth Center1st Presbyterian Women's Circles meet for a time of fellowship and Bible study. The focus of this year's Bible study is "What My Grandmother Taught Me." For more information about circles, contact Annettie Tribbett (269) 963-6706 or Kiran Bilanow (269) 968-3296
P.D.F. (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
You're invited to join this group (on the second Wednesday of each month) for dinner, fellowship and prayer for each other.
PDF (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
This group meets monthly in homes to enjoy a meal & fellowship. After dinner, each guest shares their highs and lows from the previous month. After everyone has finished, the group prays for one another.
Elizabeth Circle
1st Presbyterian Women's Circles meet for a time of fellowship and Bible study. The focus of this year's bible study is "What My Grandmother Taught Me." For more information about circles, contact Annettie Tribbett (269) 963-6706 or Kiran Bilanow (269) 968-3296
Sunday School
Following the Coffee Hour, join us for Sunday School: On Further Reflection: Discuss the Sunday Sermon with Pastor Mike Wicks (Room 16, Lower Level) Faith Quest: Beginning October 17, 2021 Led by Francie Winslow, A discussion of the book, "A Praying Congregation" (Room 12, Lower Level)
Anticipating Christmas
Anticipating Christmas is going out of our church and into our city! We are preparing kits & a video presentation for another virtual event designed to: • prepare hearts and minds to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ • & introduce non-believers to the Light of the World! Each kit will contain an Advent Devotional,…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
Family Game Night (special night)
Youth CenterGame night is back!! We will be having a special Luck o' the Irish Game night on St. Patrick's Day for anyone who wants to join us. We will get started at 6:00 pm and be done around 8:00pm. There are lots of new games and puzzles to do. I will have bottled water and…
Sunday School
Following the Coffee Hour, join us for Sunday School: On Further Reflection: Discuss the Sunday Sermon with Pastor Mike Wicks (Room 16, Lower Level) Faith Quest: Beginning October 17, 2021 Led by Francie Winslow, A discussion of the book, "A Praying Congregation" (Room 12, Lower Level)