Week of Events
Donations Needed
Presbyterian Women are in the midst of their annual project to collect socks and underwear for the underprivileged in our community. Please bring your donations to the labeled box in the Parlor during January and February.
Can You Help?
"Soles for Souls" February kicks off our campaign to raise funds to benefit Charitable Union's steel-toes boot program. Every $55 donated buys one new pair of boots for people needing such footwear for work, but without the funds to purchase them. Can't afford to buy a whole pair? Gifts of $20, $30 combined with the…
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
You're invited to seek God's direction for First Pres through prayer. ALL ARE WELCOME! Via ZOOM for "virtual" prayer. Contact Karen Rich (963-1307) for more information.
PDF (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
PDF (Prayer, Dinner & Fellowship)
This group meets monthly in homes to enjoy a meal & fellowship. After dinner, each guest shares their highs and lows from the previous month. After everyone has finished, the group prays for one another.
Sew ‘n Sews
Sew ‘n Sews
Sew-N-Sews meet to create items for various mission interests. Current projects include: baby quilts and capes for area agencies and health centers; walker tote bags for church members, area care facilities, kidney dialysis clients and Mary Free Bed patients; preemie and newborn gowns for CS Mott Children’s Hospital. We also have “Sew-N-Sew 2 Go” for…
Sew ‘n Sews Copy
Sew ‘n Sews Copy
Sew-N-Sews meet to create items for various mission interests. Current projects include: baby quilts and capes for area agencies and health centers; walker tote bags for church members, area care facilities, kidney dialysis clients and Mary Free Bed patients; preemie and newborn gowns for CS Mott Children’s Hospital. We also have “Sew-N-Sew 2 Go” for…