Trust in the Turmoil

“Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever. Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, both now and forever.” Psalm 125: 1-2

In the Psalms, we see the writers openly expressing their own doubts and perplexities to their loving God, but at the same time claiming God’s promises and celebrating God’s presence in the midst of every situation. These ancient writings still speak to us today as we try to live as children of God in an increasingly complex society.  The rules and traditions we grew up with often seem outdated and irrelevant and we long for some sense of stability in the chaos around us. Author, Leslie Brandt says it well in his contemporary restatement of Psalm 125:

“The pressures are increasing, the old props are falling away.

Many of the old traditions and standards we held so dear are no longer relevant in our changing society.

Even the proclamations and exhortations, the prophecies and promises, that excited and supported us in our youth

Sound hollow and empty, frightfully inadequate in these times in which we live. 

The little boxes we wrapped around our God are breaking up;

We can no longer hold on to Him in our expanding universe.”

Change is as much a part of living as is dawn and sunset, rainy days and barking dogs and crying babies. It is sometimes our friend and often the enemy, but change is ALWAYS under God’s control. The problem for us as human beings is our limited vision which keeps us from seeing God’s presence and promise and power in the events of every day. But the psalmist gives us hope and the assurance of God’s constant care.

“Though we cannot hold on to God, He does hold on to us.

Those who trust in the true God are more secure than the great mountains that rise above the clouds that cover us. 

Though everything changes about us, our great God cannot be changed.”

So, the choice is ours – we can choose to be intimidated and afraid and angry, or we can choose to accept the challenge of each new day with excitement and anticipation, trusting in God who is not subject to the impermanence of this world. “Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, both now and forever.”

Prayer: God, you are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I can trust in your love and care even when the world seems upside down. I don’t have to be afraid and my heart overflows with gratitude to God.  Amen.

Francie Winslow