Who’s In Control

“I will bless the Lord who advises me; even at night I am instructed in the depths of my mind.”

                                                                                                                                                                    Psalm 16:7


I often cannot fall asleep at night.  Sometimes it is because of “brain chatter;” sometimes it’s “Arthur(itis);” and other times I’ve stayed up too late and get my second wind, so sleep eludes me. 

I have tried many things to lessen this likelihood. I exercise, reduce my caffeine intake (almost–not chocolate!), take melatonin, drink chamomile tea.  I took a seminar years ago to learn how yoga can reduce sleeplessness.  And, get this, I applied for and received a medical marijuana card to help with my sleeplessness and body aches one year before Michigan voted to legalize this drug.  I was hoping that this substance would help me. No luck.  

My Bible Study group recently finished the book “Aging Faithfully” by Alice Fryling.*  It is one of the best books I can remember studying together as a group and highly recommend to both men and women. 

In the chapter Holy Losses, Holy Invitations, Alice confides that in her sixties, “…insomnia came banging at my door.”  She confessed that when her prayers failed, she would lie awake attempting to “solve theological issues around unanswered prayer.”  

God designed us to be restored through slumber.  Alice wrote that during sleep, God is in control. I certainly agree.

I look up to the mountains–does my help come from there?  My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth!

He will not let you stumble and fall; the one who watches over you will not sleep.  Indeed, he who watches over Israel never tires and never sleeps.   Psalm 121:1-4

One of the things Alice discovered is that her inability to sleep might just be part of God’s plan for her.  She wrote that she has come to treasure these times, when the depth of her thinking is acute.  

Inspired by this, I realized I am changing; aging; and I also cherish my time filled with reading devotions and other literature at night.  My prayer life feels more sacred during  these times.  I am learning to embrace growing older instead of resisting it.    


Prayer:  As my life continues to change, I cherish the quiet times, helping me to feel your sacred presence, Lord.   You are in front of me, behind me, beside me and within me.  Thank you for your continual influence in my life.  Amen.

Sue Healy

*ISBN 978-1-64158-359-6, Chapter 3, page 64